Big Arena Kitchen

Chili school
Ski World Cup Finals, 2018
Angelica, who remembers angelica
Perth, city break.
Truffle, fact finding trip 
Nepo Kitchen Consulting 2017 revisited
Dublin; city break
Rolling Stones
Glommens Fiskekrog
Quince Jelly, fig salami recipes
Mallorca, Alcudia, 2017
Kimchi, quick recipe
G & E Gastro import
Idre, winter season 2016-2017
Italian traditions
Nepo Kitchen Consulting 2016 revisited
Copenhagen, city break
BBQ European Championships
Grill & BBQ SM, NM, EM qual.
Food & Beverage congress  April 2016
Vegan and Vegetarian, recipes
New York, city break
Nepo Kitchen Consulting 2015 revisited
The Christmas smorgasbord
Cape Malay, food, traditions, recipes
Klein Constantia, Cape Town
KWV, Paarl, South Africa
Old biscuit mill market, Cape Town
Food truck to Bornholm, Sol over Gudhjem, recipe
Sa Mandra, Sardinia