Kajens renovation continues

Kajens new kitchen
The new central kitchen is complete this kitchen will serve our external satellite kitchens, banqueting room, cafe and our new restaurant Fabrikör.
26th February, the floor is cut p to install the floor and equipment plumbing and drainage.
3rd March, all filled in again
11th March, central heating in place, all clear for tiling the walls.
7th July, the walls are tiled, the walk in fridges and freezer are assembled at the back of the kitchen and the ventilation canopies are being installed.
1st July, the new kitchen equipment arrives  luckily we have ample space to store everything in while the build catches up a little.
5th August, the main kitchen area, the floor is finished and we're ready for the equipment installation.
  5th August, the back corridor dish-wash area, mice en place, transport thoroughfare to the delivery bay. is also completed and ready for the equipment installation. 
6th August, and in it goes all the equipment is packed up and installed. view of the dish washing drop off bench, the roofs a bit patchy still and will be for some time. We're also missing the glass sorting shelving, hopefully that comes a bit quicker.
14th August, view of the main kitchen area, the pass without the roof hung shelf and heating, the right side a la carte and general prep, the left side more industrious with som rationals, blast chiller, steam jacket boiler & a traditional Swedish cast iron brat pan. the line down the middle all induction Palux with two Spanish style plancha.
14th August, the back corridor, still in the dark without any light, wasn't in the plan?
14th August, back view of the main kitchen area.
17th august, view the main kitchen looking towards the pass area from the back of the kitchen.