Store Ringheim Hotel & restaurant.

Store Ringheim’s hotel is a family run, and operated hotel that overlooks Voss and its surrounding mountainous fjord plateau’s. The hotel is situated approx. 1,2 km from the town centre. The Hotel is open year-round with the restaurant open mainly for the summer season.


The entrance at Store Ringheim hotel on a grey day, Note the size of the slate roofing material and the years old plancking.

On the outskirts of Voss.

Voss is situated in the middle of Vestland Provence, 1 ½ hours by road on the E16 from Bergen, Voss is also a major stop on the Oslo-Bergen train line.

Voss is a tourist town with a claim to being Norways summer action sport mecca catering for extrem sport enthusiasts from all over northern Europe. Voss is also the winter home for one of Norways biggest winter sport centers with extensive skiing facilities.

See link below for more information on Voss.…/voss-in-the-heart-of-vestland


the view from Store ringheim The view from the dinning room balcony, on a beautiful day. Featuring the not so textbook kitchen garden in the foreground.

Store Ringheim boutique hotel.

Store Ringheim is a boutique hotel with 15 unique and traditional rooms renovated and restored from the existing farmstead buildings, a tool shed, an old barn and cow shed have been painstakingly converted into accommodation reflecting the 300-year-old rustic farm heritage.

The renovated cultural environment and decor suit the hotel rooms and public areas. The décor and furnishings have been meticulously chosen to increase the guests every experience with real WOW factors. The newer rooms are generously furnished with period Norwegian and local Vestland influences. All rooms have all the modern facilities and necesaties one would expect from well renowned international big city hotels.

The immediate naturel environment is also reflected in the names of the hotel rooms rather than boring numbers the rooms are named after the local mountain tops.



period restored at Store Ringheims hotel The old smoke house room with perion canopied bed and origional fiere hearth.
The family loft, NB the childrens beds arranged as alcoves along the wall.

The restaurant at Store Ringheim.

Flor’n the restaurant “the name translated to the barn or cow shed” or more correctly the dairy where the milk cows used to be, the restaurant features both an al fresco and a glassed in “greenhouse” options as well a more traditionally appointed in-house dining room.

For the hotel’s size the Food & beverage operation quite extensive, complimentary facilities include a group dining room Smalflor’n “the small barn” featuring original old barn, roof beams and a separate conference banquet room in traditional Vestland style.

These options with a full restaurant can make the work pass in the kitchen somewhat intensive.



Smalflor'n, the small dining room for private parties, 30-40 guests, its been busy during my time at Store Ringheim with bus excursions from cruise ships & priovate parties
The in glassed Gazebo, with great views of the surrounding landscape.

Local produce first.

The restaurant features predominantly local sustainable food which in turn was and is both an old age traditional necessity, living off the land.

Traditional Norwegian as well as other Scandinavian food cultures are based on the seasonal harvest and preservation techniques these techniques have again come back into fashion and are incorporated into many successful modern restaurants in Scandinavia.

Here at Store Ringheim we exemplify this modern reflection on our time. Local trout, wild mushrooms, home-made charcuterie, berries, flowers, herbs and vegetables from the garden have become the backbone of our menu’s.

Don’t miss Nikki’s highly acclaimed roasted Jerusalem artichoke soup, a vegan and allergy neutral soup with a big reputation.

The home-made charcuterie is well made, the absolute highlight being the humble breakfast sausage they are the best I’ve eaten in over forty years of working as a chef. The air-dried hams, coppa, bacon and game products are also serious achievements. From a kitchen planning viewpoint the charcuterie production planned and produced over the yearly availability and hunting seasons is a cultural reflection seldom seen.

The success of this almost hunter gatherer culture certainly brings an economical benefit to the hotel restaurant operation.



graden inspired salad Chicken rulade filled with local ceps and chantrelles mushrooms. All ingredients local and ecological.


Cloudberries are a wild growing berry native to the sub artic latitudes band around the northern hemisphere and a few other higher peaks around northern Europe, North America and all the way around to northern Japan and Alaska.

Cloudberries distinct in their bright orange colour are instantly recognised and are a evtremely popular berry through-out Scandinavia, cloudberries are used extensively as an ambassador ingredient for Scandinavian foods, presentations on the international circus.

Here at Store Ringheim these locally foraged berries went straight into the desserts as a garnish, as we also have a constant flow of tourists groups its interesting to let these guests experience something special from the local nature.




cheese cake with fresh cloudberries Fresh sweetened cloud berries arranged on top of our cheese cake with fresh berries from our garden.

The sheep’s head.

It might look like a Sheep’s head, but it represents more than just that, it represents tradition and a celebration of past times that our forefathers lived with. Not many modern aspiring restaurants would prepare, cook and serve such a dish today.

Store Ringheim have a focus on reaping, harvesting, foraging and taking care of local the local traditions and produce. The sheep’s head is not on the menu, but the locals know it’s available and can pre order, if desired.



traditional sheeps head The old nags head, representing both tradition and herritage, as well as local pride, in the being able to produce and sell traditional food thats not really mainstream.



Hotel Affiliations.

Store Ringheim hotel & restaurant are members of the Norwegian hotel “De Historiske “a group consisting of historic hotels & restaurants throughout Norway, linking together a pearl necklace of well over 100 passionate hospitality gems throughout the land.

The Hotel is also a member of the Hanen group, a group promoting the best ingredients and produce from Norway, locally grown and environmentally friendly these products create together with the team at Store Ringheim the backbone of your experience. A rustic homestead escape in modern luxury.

The Hotel and restaurant is also certified as an environmentally friendly business, accreditation comes from the Norwegian environment certification organisation Miljøfyrtån.




Which groups does Store Ringheims hotel belong to Store Ringheims hotel affiliations.