Tasmania for business or pleasure
Take a Holiday in Tasmania.
What a great trip, head off to Tasmania for a month, escape the northern winter for some sunshine and warmth.
First point of call as always is one of the bigger city airports, Tullamarine the big international airport in Melbourne. What a welcome – what a shit hole and what a first impression, for tourist arriving in Melbourne, if you arrive in Istanbul, Singapore Oslo or other international destinations it’s a WOW, arrive in Melbourne what a first impression welcome to Australia, walk around on the dirty sticky carpet, enjoy the 1970 worn out and patched up architecture. If ever there was a need of creating a welcome impression Tullamarine, is it!
The next step to Tasmania isn’t easy either, flying into Launceston or Hobart is a better financial option with prices as low as 1/3 the price to Devonport or Burnie.
If you manage to get a seat on the Devonport plane, be fashion conscious wear your best yellow high vis work attire, just so you’ll fit in. The fly in workers take up half the seats.
The boat into Devonport “now there are two” departing now from Geelong now is another option also overpriced, it’s easier to swim over your caravan. Traveling around, a bit of a road trip! Take a hire car, during the peak season they are like Tasmanian tigers. “There’s always someone who still hopes they exist”.
Tourism is one of Tasmania’s greatest assets but transport to and from the island hamper its expansion. But not all Tasmanians want tourism, all those mainlanders and foreigners, why do they come here? What do they want here? It’s changing slowly but this means slow.