Save the date 10-12 november 2023
Stockholm food & Wine and Bake & Chocolate Fair
Here I am back again at Älvsjö exhibition hall, participating in the local food and wine exhibition.
The weekend is a very popular exhibition featuring 258 food, equipment, wine, chocolate and baking stalls, many of the exhibition participates hover between the professional and consumer markets, with-in these areas the consumers and consumer market have over the past decade become very passionate and competitive. The exhibition also features many wine and spirit tasting opportunities and a big focus on champagne, it’s as close as we get to a big day out in Stockholm.
There is an ever-increasing interest in our profession as chefs, and with-in the food and beverage industries. I always say that at least 10% of the general population have at some period of their life worked within our industry, so there are many who pass by our stall who have a great deal of knowledge in what we are serving. When we as professionals are deep in our focus driven jobs, we often forget that some of our guests have more knowledge about what is served than the chef or the waiter who are engaged in your meal.
There is also an insatiable Interest in kiting out the home kitchen with semi-professional equipment, everyone is a master chef competitor on the weekends. This fair enables customers to interact with the salespersons and get up close and be hands on with all from the newest micro planner to the latest Paco jet.
One negative about working at such a fair is that you don’t get the time to look at what the other stalls are doing or showing, just fleeting glances.